Bible study shouldn’t be hard.
We take notes alone, during church, or with others. In the margins of your Bible, in a notes app on your smartphone, or on random pieces of paper.
But they get lost. Scattered. Forgotten.
And that's just the Bible study part.
There's also the living life part.
Cleaning dishes. Running errands. Having a hobby. Planning trips. Staying healthy. Raising a family. Having friends. Helping others. Making a living. Being a person.
Life is hard enough.
Studying the Bible shouldn't be.
Introducing Harvous. A home for your Bible notes. Easily create and organize. Share what you want with others. Keep what you want private. And remember it all. No more scattered notes. Just you and the Word.

It’s coming soon if you’re willing to wait...
I'll send you updates about the progress with opportunities to provide feedback and help shape Harvous. Until then, thanks for your time.
Derek J, Founder of Harvous